Confit - We help companies offset their carbon emissions

Our Services

We help you buy carbon credits

We facilitate the sourcing, due diligence and purchase of carbon credits so that your company can offset its carbon emissions and reduce its carbon footprint

We help you sell carbon credits

We facilitate the verification and sale of carbon credits so that your conservancy, carbon sink or greentech company can have an additional source of revenue as you help others offset their greenhouse gas emissions

We offer ESG consultancy services

We offer ESG consultancy services to ensure your firm or organization is up to speed on matters to do with environmental conservation, gender equity and equality, and laws and regulations in your industry.

Our Customers

Companies looking to offset their carbon emissions

Climate-conscious companies that are looking to offset their carbon emissions. We help mining corporations, tourist getaways and even banks demonstrate their commitment to fighting climate change via buying carbon offsets and providing them with ESG consultancy services

Green Project developers

Green project initiators whose projects act as carbon sinks or prevent the emission of carbon into the atmosphere. Carbon sinks can be natural such as a conservancy with a large number of trees/sea algae or artificial such as an EV manufacturing plant. We are particularly interested in conservancies that are both carbon sinks and preservers of biodiversity.

About Us

Our Impact Statement

Our Primary Focus at Confit is achieving a net-zero emissions world by the year 2050.

- Benson Mugure, Founder & CEO @ Confit

Founder Profile

Benson Mugure

Benson Mugure is a passionate serial entrepreneur in the Fintech, GreenTech and Film industries. His experience includes being a relationship officer at Equity Bank Limited in Kenya, an Executive Assistant to the CEO of a consulting firm in Mauritius, a Future Fintech Champion at the Mauritius African Fintech Hub and a Circular Economy Champion at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in London.

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